Pedagogy of Individual Choice and Female Inmate Reentry in the U.S. SouthwestIgnoring the social structures and inequities that impact the likelihood of 'success' when reentering society after incarceration is both...
Desistance, Persistence, Resilience and Resistance: A Qualitative Exploration of how Black Fathers..Black men with a criminal record work hard to fulfill their roles as fathers, despite the stigma associated with both their Blackness and...
Reentry to What? Theorizing Prisoner Reentry in the Jobless FutureThe broad sociological factors impacting people returning to society from incarceration have thus far been largely ignored in the reentry...
Categorical Exclusions: How Racialized Gender Regulation Reproduces Reentry HardshipBlack trans women are often severely discriminated against in the reentry field, including by reentry service providers. This study...
“Work Your Story”: Selective Voluntary Disclosure, Stigma Management, and Seeking Employment....Cities in the U.S. and Canada should adopt 'Selective, Voluntary Disclosure' (SVD) practices, which treat sharing of criminal record...
Women's Survival Post-imprisonment: Connecting Imprisonment with Pains Past and PresentReentry and support programs should acknowledge and seek to remedy the interwoven connection between past traumatic experiences caused...