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Race, Gender and Criminal Records
Mar 15, 2021
Banning the Box but Keeping the Discrimination?: Disparate Impact and Employers’ Overreliance on....
How can advocates use Title VII disparate impact litigation and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to move more effectively...
Mar 15, 2021
Ban the Box, Convictions, and Public Employment
Ban the Box policies do not increase statistical discrimination towards Black men. Contrary to other recent studies, this analysis...
Mar 15, 2021
Ban the Box and Perverse Consequences, Part I
Ban the Box laws are helpful for reducing discrimination against people with criminal records as a whole, while also working towards...
Mar 15, 2021
The Unintended Consequences of “Ban the Box”: Statistical Discrimination and Employment Outcomes...
Ban the Box policies may reduce employment for young Black and Hispanic men with no college degree. This study utilizes Current...
Mar 15, 2021
Need Not Apply: The Racial Disparate Impact of Pre-Employment Criminal Background Checks
The Fair Credit Reporting Act should be amended to prohibit the general use of criminal background checks in the hiring process due to...
Mar 15, 2021
Ban the Box, Criminal Records, and Racial Discrimination: A Field Experiment
Some argue Ban the Box policies are harmful to Black men: prior to BTB, white applicants were 7% more likely than comparable Black...
Mar 15, 2021
'...Yeah, I could hire this one, but I know it's gonna be a problem': How Race, Nativity and....
Employers have much more positive perceptions of Latino immigrant workers compared to Black workers, based on their beliefs that...
Mar 15, 2021
Sequencing Disadvantage: Barriers to Employment Facing Young Black and White Men with Criminal....
Racism and criminal records play a significant role in whether interpersonal interactions with employers are helpful to job applicants....
Mar 15, 2021
Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment
Black applicants without criminal records are considered to be on the same playing field by employers as white applicants with a criminal...
Mar 15, 2021
Race, Place, and Crime: How Violent Crime Events Affect Employment Discrimination
Employer exposure to recent violent crime negatively impacts Black job applicants, regardless of whether they possess a criminal...
Mar 15, 2021
Perceived Criminality, Criminal Background Checks, and the Racial Hiring Practices of Employers
Employers who run criminal background checks are more likely to hire Black men than those that don't conduct background checks,...
Mar 15, 2021
Criminal History, Sex, and Employment: Sex Differences in Ex-Offender Hiring Stigma
The sex of the hiring official may impact the level of racial discrimination involved in hiring people with criminal records. This...
Mar 15, 2021
Barriers to Reintegration: An Audit Study of the Impact of Race and Offender Status on Employment...
Criminal records may not create as much of a disadvantage in employment for women as they do for men. This audit study uses fictional...
Mar 15, 2021
Criminal Stigma, Race, Gender and Employment: An Expanded Assessment of the Consequences of....
People with criminal records are much less likely to be hired than those without and Black and Latino applicants are generally viewed as...
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